rofl" prefix="og:"> Occurrence - Expertise Europe & International

Area of Expertise | Europe & International

Occurrence regularly works beyond France, whether in assisting international organisations to assess their communications, or conducting international studies or integrating the international dimension of teams or brands in the issues addressed. International dossiers rely on the expertise of Occurrence when it comes to research as well as on our understanding of intercultural processes, which play a key role in terms of of representations and perceptions.

At European level, Occurrence accompanies institutions (the European Commission, European Parliament …) in monitoring and evaluating of their public information campaigns (strategy, objectives, channels, stakeholders, impact indicators etc …).

Occurrence has also developed a strong expertise with inter-branch associations and federations, especially in the agri-food sector, to help them evaluate and optimise promotion and information campaigns.

“Evaluating communications effectiveness in France and internationally”


  • Steering your multi-country communications
  • Ensuring your programmes’ consistency
  • Measuring the ROI of your actions abroad
  • Measuring coverage and qualify the content of public information campaigns
  • Determining the level of effectiveness of your communications actions and their real impact
  • Establishing the degree of complementarity of your campaigns or communications activities
  • Optimising your international work organisation


  • Evaluation of multi-country information campaigns
  • Assessment of promotion and information programmes, in accordance with the European objectives and requirements.
  • Ad-hoc research: image studies, comms campaigns pre- and post-tests, event impact assessments, conception and animation of workshops, media analysis, online campaigns and social campaigns’ evaluation
  • Support in the development of evaluation guidelines (training, documentation, etc …)
  • Auditing of international communications services 


  • What evaluation strategy for my information campaigns and communications actions internationally?
  • How to organise my communication service both centrally and on my various markets?
  • What tools should be implemented to evaluate a multi-year and multi-country promotion and information programme? How to define clear and consistent evaluation questions?
  • How can evaluation help us steer our communications and information actions and ensure that our key audiences in France and in other countries, are affected by these actions?
  • How to effectively meet regulatory expectations of financial organisations funding our campaign (public institutions, the European Commission, etc.)? What are the main rules to follow in evaluation at European level? What are the main trends?

